Perfect 12 Introductions Owner Simona Fusco Arrested for Drugs

I came across some very interesting news earlier today about a company located in Beverly Hills called Perfect 12 Introductions. Well, at least about the owner Simona Fusco.

Simona Fusco is the owner of, a matchmaking service, located here in Beverly Hills. Well, apparently she was arrested for drug possession and assaulting a police officer. I know what you’re thinking… “wow!” I thought the same thing.

I am very interested in these types of companies as I don’t have much time to date, but I’m sure glad I came across that information about Simona and Perfect 12 Introductions. I don’t think I would ever go there after reading about what she’s done. If she would beat up a cop, imagine if you didn’t like one of her dates. I found this YouTube video about Perfect 12 introductions owned by Simons Fusco too.

Read all about her arrest here.

Perfect12Introductions.Com SImona Fusco Arrested

Restaurant Suggestions

Since I’m still new to the city, I’m just curious as to what kind of restaurants you guys prefer in the Beverly Hills/West Hollywood area. I love fine dining, but of course, love a good hidden gem that is a bit more casual at times.

I’ve tried a few places – some were great – but thought you all would know of a better place.

Feel free to comment below with some of your favorites!

Godzilla Brought Back Memories

Growing up, I loved Godzilla… I always kind of wished it was real. (Scary, I know.) i was a kid though, so when I heard they were re-making a new version, naturally, I was excited.

I went to The Grove to see it, an outdoor shopping center here in Los Angeles. It’s a nice venue with tasty restaurants and high fashion shopping outlets. It’s by far one of my favorite places in the city.

As for the movie, I LOVED IT! Such a great movie with a great storyline, tons of action, and incredible character formations. I highly suggest going to see it… and I’m not alone either. It made $93 million this weekend at the box office ranking in at number one.

Beverly Hills Connection


I’m Kevin, a new resident to Beverly Hills and let me just say… I love this city. The cars, the stores, the restaurants are all fantastic. I’ve always seen it on TV, but never knew it would be exactly like this – and better if I say so myself.

I will be covering all things from restaurant reviews, to stores, to daily posts of my activities, and even local news of notable people in the community.

This is a start, but just wanted to say hello. Very excited to start this digital journey with you all.